My Feeble Attempt at a Blog

2007 Triangle Harvest—with Greg Laurie, Third Day, David Crowder Band, Toby Mac, Leeland, and more!


Nap attack!

Jacob falls asleep in the funniest positions... Posted by Hello

Why is it that kids never seem to fall asleep the way we want them to? 11:30pm last night, I walked into Jacob's room to find him like this at the end of Fantasia. :-) Funny how Fantasia seems to do this to kids... must remember to get myself a copy at the Wherehouse...

For Jacob.... the concept of bed just never seems to catch on. Reminds me of Garfield and his "nap attacks."

While I'm at it, why is it that kids fall asleep at the worst times - like just after you order $10 worth of food for them in the drive-thru at McDonald's... (stuff I wouldn't eat myself) - and yet stay up when you're wanting them to go to sleep??? Does this entertain God? Or is this the infamous "curse of the parents?" Hmmmmm....


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