The Gospel according to Southpaw and other misgivings
Okay, so my wife gets home the other day and tells me that I have to visit the website for a guy named "Southpaw." Apparently the local Christian radio station played his song - a Christian parody of the classic, "Baby Got Back," and then announced the website for this guy. Thank God for DSL. At any rate, as I watched the music video of his song, "Baby Got Book," I was struck by the fact that Christians all over the place are watching this, passing it along to their friends, and saying, "isn't this cool?" I mean, hello - the local Christian radio stations are playing it!
At any rate, the more and more I thought about it, the more and more frustrated I got. Maybe it's just me, and maybe I'm taking this the wrong way, but... after reading through some of the recent posts in the Worship folder on BUBBS, (BIOLA's online community) I don't think I'm getting too far off-base by saying that I find it sad that Christians aren't the ones at the forefront of the world, starting trends. Instead, we're trying to ride the coattails of all the world has to offer. Just look at the music section at your local Christian bookstore. You'll probably find a poster that compares the newest Christian bands to their secular counterpart. And what does the world think? I mean, sure, there's exceptions, (like Switchfoot, Jars of Clay and Pax 217), but for the most part, the world just sits back and laughs. So is it any wonder that movies like "Saved!" are so funny? Maybe it's because it's what really happens in Christian circles. Sad, but a convicting point, I think.
Speaking of "Saved!" and how the world views Christians, may I just say that my heart and prayers go out to Anne Basso and her family in the light of the loss of their daughter. What is going on with Christians that they feel like they can belittle one another in the name of Christ? It reminds me of the scene where Hillary Faye chucks her Bible at the pregnant girl (sorry, I can't remember her name offhand), saying, "I'm filled with Christ's love!!!" Do you really think that by publicly berating Anne and her decisions you'll win people to your cause? Do you honestly believe that the way you're coming across, Anne would even stop to consider your thoughts or arguments? It angers me that the Christian community at large fails to show love and compassion in the name of furthering their message. Our agendas should never come before the Gospel, for we must remember that it is the by the power of the Gospel that we are changed! Where in the world did we ever get the notion that we can hide behind the name of Jesus while we beat our brothers and sisters to death? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
At any rate, that's my rant of the day. Sorry I don't have much more to say that's pleasant. HIlby updated her blog. Twice. Yeah! :-) It's always fun to read hers, and if you haven't, then you're missing out. I can't wait for our ten year reunion.... Go Griffins! :-)
There's just so much to share and so much to write, but... it'll have to wait for a time when I'm actually done with my work. More to come....
I totally see where you're coming from. It really is frustrating seeing how Christians are put into such stereotypes. Why? Because we're so quick to act them out to the tee. And as far as "Baby Got Book"...I mean come on. Redoing a song from what, 12 years ago? Christians bands that you've mentioned, along with a few more are working hard to break these cheesy "veggie tale" stereotypes. Sorry for ranting myself, as a frustrated aspiring Christian artist. Later!
CodyBrock, at 7:43 AM
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