525,600 minutes...
So much for the inevitable, eh? The Terry Schaivo case and the passing of Pope John Paul II have flooded the news for the past weeks. I don't think I've heard about much else on the talk shows for as long as I can remember. So what's my take? Sin. That's all I can seem to think about the Terry Schaivo case, and in my mind, it only bears the fact that in my own life there are so many people who desperately need to hear the Gospel. I mean, what would have happened had the lives of the judges been different; changed by the grace of God to respect and love life as a gift from God? What about Michael Schaivo? I guess the burning question in my mind is, what else do I expect those whose lives are given to sin to do? Shall we be suprised when sinners give in to temptation? No! I don't know; maybe I'm being too hard on myself, but I desperately pray that God would send revival not only in my own heart but in the heart of His people around the world. Sin is rapidly finding a foothold in our culture, and the only hope I believe we have is the Gospel. Have you heard it? Check out this site if you've never heard about what Christ has done for you.
Now... about the pope. Okay, even though it might shock my mom to hear this, the man was a great man. I mean, here is a man used his power and abilities to topple communism, build bridges, and reach out to millions of people. I honestly do believe that he has had an intimate encounter with God, and allowed his relationship with God to permeate his religious life. Now if only that message would be preached from the anvils of every Catholic church - that Catholics need their religious life to be fueled by an intimate relationship with Christ, and that the term isn't something simply reserved for Protestants.
So what do I think about the next pope? Maybe I've just read too many Left Behind books, but... what about the fact that the Vatican puts a great deal of emphasis on trying to build bridges between the Jews and Muslims in the Holy Land? What about the fact that the Vatican holds a significant amount of influence over the European nations? Just some thoughts I've been having... We'll see. All I know is that we've never been closer to the return of Christ than we are right now.
So... that's what I have so far. Now it's time for me to finish eating and head off to bed. Hope you're all doing well, and that you'll come back and visit my blog when I have some lighter material to read through. BTW, Anne and Jen - it was absolutely great to get a chance to visit with you this weekend! And Hilby - next time don't drive off so fast!!!! Love you all!
A little confused here. Are you saying that most Catholics don't have an intimate relationship with Christ?
glittergirlmommy, at 1:54 PM
From my personal experience with Catholicism and the Los Angeles Archdiocese, it's hard to say, and I guess it would vary from church to church, as I'm sure it does with many Protestant churches. I guess the big question needs to be, "Why do we believe what we believe and why do I do what I do?" If the only answer we can give is "because we've always done it," then something's wrong.
It just reminds me of the story of the priest who, after processing to the front of the church, tapped on the microphone and said, "this microphone's not on," to which the congregation obediently replied, "And also with you."
Darryl, at 8:12 PM
Oh - and one more thing - some of the people who have impressed me greatly in their faith and relationship with Christ have been Catholic. Father Joe Girzone and Anne Caddick. :-)
Darryl, at 8:14 PM
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