My Feeble Attempt at a Blog

2007 Triangle Harvest—with Greg Laurie, Third Day, David Crowder Band, Toby Mac, Leeland, and more!



Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24, NKJV)

Tonight at The Well, Brad gave an incredible message about the things that would keep us from following God wholeheartedly. (If you don't go to the Well, it's worth subscribing to the Podcast. Just go to the link above and click on "well radio." And as I thought and prayed about it, I began to realize that there is so much that I need to do to get my life completely right with God. Not that I need to, though - just to clarify for those of you who are doing the "Losing My Religion" study with Shadd... It's just that as I desire to be closer to Him, the questions then remain:

1.) How much am I willing to really lay at His feet in surrender?

2.) How much do I really trust Him with all that I am?

3.) How much do I believe that He will really take care of my every need?

As life has seemed uncertain over the past weeks, my prayer is that God would continue to help my unbelief, allowing me to lay more and more of myself at the foot of the cross. What are the idols in my life? I think the biggest idol I struggle with is me. What a daily burden it is for me to lay myself down for the sake of the cross. Why do I do what I do? What are the fruits being borne?

Lord, I pray that you would be glorified in my life, my family, and all that I am. For those of you who have fallen victim to my struggle against me... forgive me. I love you all.



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