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2007 Triangle Harvest—with Greg Laurie, Third Day, David Crowder Band, Toby Mac, Leeland, and more!


The DaVinci Saga

Okay, so with all of the buzz going around about the upcoming "DaVinci Code," I thought I'd throw in my two cents, for whatever it's worth. After all, I haven't read the book - much like many of the Christians who are talking about it, it seems. However, my reason for not having read the book is more attributed to the fact that I am a dad to three young kids, as opposed to being opposed to reading it for the sake of my faith. Give me a break.

Honestly, I wonder if all of the controversy surrounding the book in the Christian world is simply founded in the insecurity that the Christian churches at large are facing in America - that we have simply focused too much on feel-good, fluffy messages without much content and Apologetics that when something comes along to challenge our faith, we have no other recourse but to coil in fear.

C'mon, folks - we're in a battle here, and it's time that the Church takes its stand and trains its members to be prepared in and out of season for the hope that we have in Christ Jesus. Maybe when the leadership of the Church starts focusing on teaching the Bible - and teaching people how to use it - and less on making people feel good, we'll be better prepared for the next go-around.

As for me, I'm sick of hearing about the DaVinci Code from Christians. Do they really think that I am so weak in my faith that I'm not prepared to face this head on? Thank God for the Pastors that have given me the confidence in my faith that I need to know that a simple work of fiction will not come close to shaking it.

Just my two cents. Again. :-)


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