My Feeble Attempt at a Blog

2007 Triangle Harvest—with Greg Laurie, Third Day, David Crowder Band, Toby Mac, Leeland, and more!


Epitaphs revisited

Okay, so... now that I’ve posted those thoughts, here are a couple of things to know:

  1. No, I am not planning on dying anytime soon. Nor do I need suicide counseling. At least at this juncture. I am extremely blessed to have the love of a wonderful family and a job that I look forward to going to (when I’m scheduled).

  2. The whole idea of epitaphs and life as a vapor really had me thinking. Maybe it’s my graphic design side. Maybe it’s my random side. Maybe it’s my desire to get people to think about what life is all about. Or maybe it’s because I’m still trying to make ends meet and move my family into our own place before we all go crazy here at my parents’. Whatever the reason, I’m looking at starting epitaph as a line of designs, mainly for apparel. I’ve submitted a quick design to for voting. Please submit your votes when it comes up! (I think next month or so?) And let me know what you think.

All in all, I’m hoping that these thoughts and ideas will get you and others to start thinking about what their life is all about. Don’t take it for granted. Please. Love someone until it hurts. Laugh until you cry. Make sure you tell everyone in your life how much they mean to you. No regrets.
Solo Deo Gloria.


Epitaphs revisited

Okay, so... now that I’ve posted those thoughts, here are a couple of things to know:

  1. No, I am not planning on dying anytime soon. Nor do I need suicide counseling. At least at this juncture. I am extremely blessed to have the love of a wonderful family and a job that I look forward to going to (when I’m scheduled).
  2. The whole idea of epitaphs and life as a vapor really had me thinking. Maybe it’s my graphic design side. Maybe it’s my random side. Maybe it’s my desire to get people to think about what life is all about. Or maybe it’s because I’m still trying to make ends meet and move my family into our own place before we all go crazy here at my parents’. Whatever the reason, I’m looking at starting epitaph as a line of designs, mainly for apparel. I’ve submitted a quick design to for voting. Please submit your votes when it comes up! (I think next month or so?) And let me know what you think.

All in all, I’m hoping that these thoughts and ideas will get you and others to start thinking about what their life is all about. Don’t take it for granted. Please. Love someone until it hurts. Laugh until you cry. Make sure you tell everyone in your life how much they mean to you. No regrets.
Solo Deo Gloria.



Epitaphs. They’re a funny thing, aren’t they? Take Alexander the Great, for example. His reads: "A tomb now suffices for him whom the world was not enough." Mel Blanc’s reads, "That’s all folks."

Some of you may remember the ubiquitous commercial for Tombstone frozen pizza - "What do you want on your tombstone?" Jack Handey of SNL’s "Deep Thoughts" fame once wrote, "I hope that when I die, people will say, ’Gosh, that guy sure owed me a lot of money’."

But what really is the summary of a life? And what will be written on my tombstone? What will be remembered of me? I mean, here I am, 31 years old -- a husband, a father... pianist... friend?

I guess you can blame all of this on TNT’s decision to air the movie, "Meet Joe Black" a couple of weeks ago. Of course, as life goes, I missed the end of the movie on TV, and so when I saw the DVD at the library, I went to check it out. As the final scenes played out on the screen, it was Anthony Hopkin’s words that struck me the most. Facing the certainty of death, he faced it bravely, stating these poignant phrases in a conversation with his daughter:

"I want you to know how much I love you.... Don’t worry about me... I have no regrets. And I want you to feel the same way. Everything’s going to be okay."
"I love you Daddy."
"That’s why it’s going to be okay."

And it hit me. What legacy am I leaving behind? James 4:14 says it best: "For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away." (NKJV) What am I doing with the time I have here? If I were to die tonight... is everything going to be okay?

We spend so much of our lives searching... wanting... wishing... and in 31 short years, so much can happen. How many years do I have left? We don’t know. The Bible reminds us that it’s "appointed unto a man once to die, and then the judgement." (Hebrews 9:27) What will be left on my epitaph? What single memory will my life hold for those whom I hold dear?

Lord, help me to make a positive difference in the lives of those around me. Let me rest knowing that if I were to die tonight, everything will be okay. Not because of what has been settled or not in my bank accounts. Not because I have or haven’t obtained everything I wished for here. But let it be because I chose to love as Christ did. And let that make all the difference.

