Maybe I should study up on the Methodists....?
You scored as Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan. You are an evangelical in the Wesleyan tradition. You believe that God's grace enables you to choose to believe in him, even though you yourself are totally depraved. The gift of the Holy Spirit gives you assurance of your salvation, and he also enables you to live the life of obedience to which God has called us. You are influenced heavly by John Wesley and the Methodists.
What's your theological worldview? created with QuizFarm.com |
Cry the Beloved Country
Okay, so am I the only one who didn't hear about the 1994 genocide in Rwanda until recently? A retired missionary couple from our church shared their experiences from the middle of Rwanda during the genocide this last weekend, and it really shocked me to find out that such an event could largely go unnoticed here in the States! Granted, I was part of the MTV generation at that point in my life, but I don't recall any of this being discussed to the extent that it should have been during my high school years.... Does anyone else know about this? I mean, besides having seen "Hotel Rwanda"?
Stupidity and Broken Hearts
Okay, pardon me as I rant a little...
First, this past weekend, a new DVD came out locally that has caused quite a controversy. Entitled "Fresno Uncensored," the DVD apparently portrays young teens and gang members throughout the valley engaging in illegal activity, including illicit sex, drug use, and the possession of semi-automatic weaponry. The Fresno PD then went, using the video, to arrest 20 of the people in the video, many of whom had violated parole - ON CAMERA. Some people never cease to amaze me.
I don't know what's been more aggrivating, though - the reaction of some of the public, which believes that the arrests are a violation of these people's right to free speech, or the fact that all the Christian community seems to be doing is shaking their heads and saying, "that's horrible." Whatever happened to the belief in the power of the Gospel to change lives? To change our community? Instead, all we have are a bunch of conservatives who would rather sit together in their small groups singing "kumbaya" than to express a concern and broken heart for the people in our community caught up in sin. It's sickening, really. It's just like what Hudson Taylor wrote - "I am unable to bear the sight of a congregation of a thousand or more Christians rejoicing in their own salvation, while millions are perishing --lost."
How can we, as Christians, pretend that this isn't happening, and criticize everyone else for not taking care of the "problem?" Don't we realize that the problem is sin, and that we might hold the key to the solution? Arrgh.
Okay, enough on that. Please be in prayer for our city and community if you would. Pray for revival and pray for hearts that would be broken for our city. We really need it. There's too much of this purpose-driven seeker sensitive church mentality that builds churches on programs and relies on them to accomplish the job, rather than relying on the power of the Word of God.
With that having been said, I'm going to turn my attention to the recent scandal from the OC. What is up with our schools?!?!?!? And what is up with our teacher's unions? Am I the only one that finds all of the politics in the schools disturbing, to say the least?
When I was working for Roosevelt, I had no choice as to whether or not I wanted to join the union. I had to, or else lose my job. It was aggrivating to see my money go towards measures that I didn't want to support, candidates that I didn't want to support, and even more aggrivating to see my money go to fight candidates and measures that I agreed with!!! Now to hear that the teacher's unions are raising their dues to fight Schwarzenegger's proposals??? AAAAAUUUGGGGHHH!!!! And yet they have the audacity to complain that there's not enough money in the districts, and that the district is taking away too much of their money! Grrr....
At any rate, this whole situation in the OC stinks. It makes me wonder if it's all a ruse to cast blame on the president's no-child-left-behind act. Lord knows that there's a lot of opposition to that here in California with the teacher's unions. Ugh.
Do they really know how I drive?
Thought this was interesting -
That's the information I got off of deathclock.com. Wierd.
Your Personal Day of Death is... Thursday, December 7, 2062
That's the information I got off of deathclock.com. Wierd.
3 names I go by: Darryl, honey, pastor
3 screen names I've had:DDote77, Darryl.H.Dote, encountergod
3 physical things I like about myself: Eyes (so I can see),Fingers (So I can play the piano and type), and Mouth (So I can eat) :-)
3 parts of my heritage: American, Japanese, and um... American?
3 things I am wearing right now: Old Navy shirt, Old Navy Jean Shorts, and generic Costco socks
3 favorite bands/musical artists: only three??? Ugh. Well, here are three of them - Tori Amos, Ginny Owens, Bruce Hornsby (I also like David Benoit, Jim Brickman, Michael Buble, Dr. John, the 7:22 Band, Chris Tomlin, and the Passion Worship Band, just in case you were wondering...)
3 favorite songs: Three Wooden Crosses (Randy Travis), When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, Victory in Jesus (The Crabb Family - what can I say? It's catchy.)
3 things I want in a relationship: trust, laughter, and affection
3 physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to me: eyes, smile,
3 favorite hobbies: reading blogs, watching movies, surfing the web
3 Things I want to do badly right now: Take a nap, Watch Episode 3, cuddle with my wife
3 things that scare me: my kids growing up too fast, losing my wife or kids, seeing the local high school students and what they are into
3 of my everyday essentials: coffee, coffee, and e-mail
3 Careers you have considered or are considering: movie critic, author, graphic artist
3 places you want to go on vacation: Orlando, Broadway, anywhere without kids
3 kids' names you like: Matthew, Jacob, & Danae
3 things you want to do before you die: Watch my kids grow up to be Godly men & women, Pastor a church, See the people I have been praying for come to know God.
3 ways I am stereotypically a girl: N/A
3 ways I am stereotypically a boy: I get easily hooked on Goldeneye or Risk, I know how to hook up big speakers and stereo systems, I like movies with lots of explosions
3 celebrity crushes: Sarah Polley, Olivia Burnette, Alexis Bledel
Okay, I tag Jen (my wife), Sarah Ma, and Myka
3 screen names I've had:DDote77, Darryl.H.Dote, encountergod
3 physical things I like about myself: Eyes (so I can see),Fingers (So I can play the piano and type), and Mouth (So I can eat) :-)
3 parts of my heritage: American, Japanese, and um... American?
3 things I am wearing right now: Old Navy shirt, Old Navy Jean Shorts, and generic Costco socks
3 favorite bands/musical artists: only three??? Ugh. Well, here are three of them - Tori Amos, Ginny Owens, Bruce Hornsby (I also like David Benoit, Jim Brickman, Michael Buble, Dr. John, the 7:22 Band, Chris Tomlin, and the Passion Worship Band, just in case you were wondering...)
3 favorite songs: Three Wooden Crosses (Randy Travis), When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, Victory in Jesus (The Crabb Family - what can I say? It's catchy.)
3 things I want in a relationship: trust, laughter, and affection
3 physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to me: eyes, smile,
3 favorite hobbies: reading blogs, watching movies, surfing the web
3 Things I want to do badly right now: Take a nap, Watch Episode 3, cuddle with my wife
3 things that scare me: my kids growing up too fast, losing my wife or kids, seeing the local high school students and what they are into
3 of my everyday essentials: coffee, coffee, and e-mail
3 Careers you have considered or are considering: movie critic, author, graphic artist
3 places you want to go on vacation: Orlando, Broadway, anywhere without kids
3 kids' names you like: Matthew, Jacob, & Danae
3 things you want to do before you die: Watch my kids grow up to be Godly men & women, Pastor a church, See the people I have been praying for come to know God.
3 ways I am stereotypically a girl: N/A
3 ways I am stereotypically a boy: I get easily hooked on Goldeneye or Risk, I know how to hook up big speakers and stereo systems, I like movies with lots of explosions
3 celebrity crushes: Sarah Polley, Olivia Burnette, Alexis Bledel
Okay, I tag Jen (my wife), Sarah Ma, and Myka